Friday, August 12, 2016

God gave us thankful hearts

I love, love, love this story! I chose it for my two toddler sons. It's thankfulness theme is perfect as we are coming up on the fall season. I love the illustrations in this book. They are so detailed and colorful! The author uses a mom and dad Pup and a baby pup to tell the story. Your little ones are sure to love this short story about little Pup and being thankful! 

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Punderdome game

Punderdome is hilarious! I wasn't sure about this game, and don't normally get a game unless I've heard great reviews about it. Before we even played the game, I had flipped through some of the cards and was laughing my head off. It kept us busy for a good couple hours! This is game is great and will sure be a hit at your next party!